Monday, April 25, 2011


Our spoken words have a tendency to become reality. Be very careful what you say out loud. This is why in so many cultures you will see people speaking of things in whispers. Another thing to remember is, never say "Never"as in " I will never do such & such" or, That will never happen." those things will be guaranteed to happen in yours or someone else's life.

What kind of person do you want to be? Whatever it is, the power of transformation lies within you. Your life can be filled with love, joy & happiness. It all begins with you. Peace, love, joy & contentment are all attitudes of the spirit. How we are in our spirit reflects in our physical actions & behavior.

We are spirits living inside these mortal bodies. What we desire as a spirit is usually portrayed through us by our physical body through our actions. We choose to do right or wrong, good or bad because this is what we desire to do in our life. being we are both physical & spiritual, our actions & their results can revert back to us through the circle of life.  

We all possess the powers of transformation. We all hold the key to unlock the power of transformation. We just need to be shown how. Who we are is not necessarily who we have to be. The choice is ours.

When we look deep inside ourselves, we can learn to release the negative feelings. We can then & only then begin to heal. When all the garbage inside us is gone, then we will find the truths for our lives. 

We will find the power within us to make our lives the way we want it to be.The power to change ourselves is within ourselves. Reading about your powers within is a great beginning. 

Putting those powers into actions produces powerful,  positive results. It's up to you just how far you want to take it. What do you want to see happen in your life?

We live our lives, but most of the time we don't control our lives.

Life is in a circle. All things that we do, whether positive or negative will in like manner one day return to us.

Our thoughts when we send them out can become reality. Be careful what we say or think. 

These are actions. Actions produce a re-action. What we desire most in our lives, whether good or bad has a sympathetic reaction to our thoughts.

If you were to sing a song to me from your spirit, would it be one of love & joy or bitterness, sadness & hopelessness? 

Whatever is inside us shows on the surface.

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