Thursday, July 26, 2012

How To Give Thanks In All Circumstances

Life is full of struggles, but we don't have to sit & wallow in life's depression. We can rise above situations if we know how. We can even learn to take charge of negative situations in our lives & reverse them for the better. I'm going to teach you how.

Dealing with life's circumstances lies within us. We hold the power to fulfillment. We only need to learn how to tap into its resources.

Our power lies within each of us as I have said. The greatest hindrance to spiritual & outward  success lies within us. We are the creators of our destiny, our success or our doom. How we choose to live our lives determines our outcome.

Negative produces negative. Positive actions & thoughts produce positive reactions, not only from us but in us. Both negative & positive thoughts, actions, reactions can affect not only us but those around us as well, plus the whole atmosphere around us.

Peace draws peace. Love draws love, but negativity draws negativity. Deep inside ourselves we hold the key. If we are of a positive nature, full of love & out giving, it shows on the outside. The same goes for those who are negative.

We cannot give true. open love & kindness if we are filled with bitterness, anger, hate, self indulgence or any other negative action, thought or reaction. We need to rid ourselves from these things before we can produce the good elements. 

We don't need to fight to get rid of that which is undesirable but rather, each day, each night set yourself aside, quietly, thinking on that which makes you happy, satisfied, loved, full filled. Concentrate on only that which is good. Give thanks to for those good things in life. 

Turn your eyes away from the stress, the problems of the day. Think only on the good, the pleasant, the loving times in life. Be thankful until you actually feel the negativity melting away, the love slowly flowing in.

I'm not saying it will be easy, especially the first time you try it, but believe me, it works if you keep at it. Refuse to allow the negativity to touch you. Refuse to be apart of it at all. 

Accept only that which makes you smile inside,. Accept that which is only good & kind inside. Look  deep within yourself. Under all that stress, all that pain or whatever you're feeling lies love, pure love.

You may say, " I can't feel any love. That's alright. Understand one thing. We are all created in love spiritually, created through love spiritually & from love spiritually. We may experience trials in the physical, but we can over come them by searching for that love. By learning to open up to love.

Underneath all those trails, all those tears, all that anger or pain lies love. We can't get away from it. It is such a part of us because we are created ' Love".

How can we escape that which we are ?

Reach out, give thanks, feel the sadness disappear the hurt mend, the anger vanish just by reaching inside yourself, reaching down for love which you possess.

It cannot be destroyed. It is us. It is who we are inside. The hate, the pain, the stress or sadness are reactions from out side forces in our lives that are affecting us. They do not have to have control of our lives if we refuse to allow them that right.

Keep bringing your thoughts back to what you want & that is joy, love peace, happiness. 

Refuse those ugly thoughts to burden you down, to weigh you down. They are not apart of who you are. They are but a byproduct of life & we DO NOT have to accept them.

When we learn to bring joy back into our lives, we will, if we keep giving thanks for what we really want, what our true desires are we will see our desires come to pass in our lives. But, we must never give up in watching for it, in seeking for it. 

Be thankful for what you desire even before you have received it as if you already have it in your life. Believe it's there with you now in your life. Hold onto it & never let go. It's your answer. 

Don't allow anyone or anything to rob you of it for your life.

When we send out negativity, negativity returns to us in like manner. In other words, what we send out will eventually return in our lives. If we send out the positive thoughts, feelings of love, we will experience the same returning to us in like form. 

Our desires, our loves, in our lives can & will be made manifested if we look to the answers as to being thankful for our lives, thankful for what we have & what we want in & through life.

Be honest with yourself. You have to want the change to take place. You, yourself have to want your life to be better, to be more peaceful, more caring,more joyful in circumstances. 

We may not like what life throws at  us, but we do not have to be beaten down by it. We can still hold our heads high, looking for & to the answers for our lives. 

If we can't see the answers, simply ask for guidance from your source, being thankful that the answer is there for you. It just has to be revealed. 

I believe that before we came here to planet Earth, our answers were already prepared for us. All we needed was the proper time to ask for that which already exists.

We can wallow in self pity or we can take a stand & ask, trusting for the help we need & see what we need materialize in our lives. I prefer to ask my higher power for help, believe that 

I'm not alone in my struggles, keep my eyes on the answer that I know will come in the right time & joyfully give thanks each & every day for the change, the love, the fulfillment in my life that I desire.

Reach out, give thanks, learn to be thankful for your life. The bi products are secondary. They can be dealt with. The most important thing in your life, to make your life, to shape your life is inside you. Look within. You will find the answer.

It is my greatest desire & prayer that you will find the keys to your life. That love shall be with you in all things & that joy, prosperity, peace & love shall always be your constant companions.


Dalton ( Makwa)

If you have an questions, & would like a personal reply please feel free to contact me at:


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" Knowing that you have working with you a force ( love & gratitude), which never yet has failed in anything it has undertaken, you can go ahead in the confident knowledge that it will not fail in your case either."
Robert Collier ( 1885 - 1950)


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